Mrch 2nd 2012
A NEW PAGE is written in books of history! [807 KB]
Gold above $5,000 up to over $10,000 Silver above $ 200? Measures ruled by secrecy!
Dec 14th 2011
Ich weiss ja nicht ob Sie‘s schon wussten? [753 KB]
Durch eine winzige Änderung im Geldwäschegestz, will der Staat dem Bürger bis auf’s Kleingeld in die Tasche schauen, indem es nahezu jeden Goldkauf meldepflichtig macht.
Dec 7th 2011

Smart investors using gold to mitigate systemic risks in EU-Investments
After S&P’s latest announcement to downgrade 15 more EU countries, even AAA-Germany, gold’s unique role as a diversifier and foundation asset in the portfolios of euro-based investors, becomes even more important.
An optimal strategic allocation of gold may range from 2-3% for utmost diversified and lowest risk portfolios, 4-9% suits portfolios with a 50/50 split between equities and bonds, and about 10% apply for portfolios where assets are the most in equities.
Even assuming that gold has zero real returns, due to its low or negative correlation with most other assets in an optimised portfolio context, gold adds significant diversifying power.
Don't miss the chance and benefit of the short-term decline in gold price. Gold remains medium to long term still the drug of choice for rescuing your wealth. In addition you should be aware that as long as the politics fail in Europe and USA, in the end anyway only the central banks remain as "savior". How? By printing even more money of course!
July 21st 2009
U.S. Treasury Approves New Legal Tender “Gold Dollars"
You can use gold-backed cash and potentially double your savings over the next 6-9 months. The U.S. Treasury Dept. has officially approved an historic switch starting days from now. Then you’ll be able to exchange regular paper dollars for a more valuable form of money.
Because each “dollar” is backed by one gram of pure, 24-karat gold, experts are calling America’s new legal currency “Gold Dollars.” Just like regular dollars you can use this money and buy anything from suites to wine, boats, cars or houses.
Making the switch to “Gold Dollars” could not only protect your savings against coming market shocks, it could automatically double your money over the next 6-9 months. Even better…
There is no need to make any big decisions or move all your savings. One can start already with as little as $10. Converting to “Gold Dollars” takes just a few minutes. Anyone can do it online, securely, using his regular savings account.
What makes the difference? This money is backed by physical gold and could become the smartest “investment” yof your life. Its purchasing power will go up whenever gold rises.
That means:
> The value increase… every time Congress passes another trillion-dollar spending package, fueling inflation…
> The value increase… every time the world flees into gold thanks to geopolitical instability (think North Korea successfully testing a nuclear bomb)…
> The value increase… every time massive hedge funds and Wall Street firms pile into gold to hedge their equity positions…
> The value increase… every time countries like China move out of the U.S. dollar and buy massive quantities of gold, like the 1,054 tons they now hold.
Considering where gold is likely headed, this could be the perfect moment to change some cash over to the new currency.
> March 9, Reuters reported: “Gold may reach $2,000 an ounce in the next year if the dollar falls further.”
> May 19, Richard Russell wrote in his Dow Theory Letters: “Gold seems on a roll now.”
> May 20, Dennis Gartman said that “the dollar does look vulnerable… if this persists, commodity prices generally shall rise, and gold shall too.”
> MarketWatch recently: Gold could be on the verge of a “historic breakout.”