CAUTION: Don't waste even a second, because ...
The ruin sneaks around your house already!
Jan 7th 2012
The ruin sneaks around your house already!
Ruined as Germany in 1923? YOU'RE ...? Yes, if you hesitate! Because you are under a 2-fold threat:
1. The financial system is beyond redemption. Every state MUST fail. U.S. in example: $ 700 billion Bail Out package. But $ 683.7 trillion in outstanding derivatives. The 976-fold!
2. Rescue attempts to kill the system. Because there is only this one antidote: New Money. New money. More and more money! But this forces the hyper-inflation.
Knowing all that, our political and economical leaders stay hypocritical. While they show us falsified statistics, and lullaby you on TV: "Crisis is over soon”!, They plan secretly ... The End time:
The expected riots! In the U.S., in the EU. Also, the German chancellor office is preparing them secretly from the collapse! They create, for example, secret lists.
Often, the cruelty comes unexpectedly. Like a thief in the night.
"Devaluation! For 100 €, there's only 90 cents! "You hear on the radio at 7am. But you are already ruined. Everything is gone: your accounts, your deposit, your pension, your insurances. The fruits of your lifelong work ...
NOW a rigorous security is even more important for you. Because ...
... the sling runs to close!
NEVER think that this crisis is over! It just begins. Because 5 hazards are not to eliminate:
1. Banking crisis continues: 25 U.S. banks died in 2008. More will follow in 2009/2010. Despite the rescue packages! With € 13 billion the German state, rescued HSH Nord Bank. That was in February 2009. In July it was clear: The money is not enough!
Do not be dazzled! As with the example of JP Morgan: In July 09 the press hailed a $ 2.72-billion profit of the bank. Hardly anyone knows: The other hand, are $ 26,493.9 billion in liabilities. So much "value" are the toxic derivatives, that JP Morgan still keeps in the basement.
If these papers drop only 10% into the red, JP Morgan’s entire capital burns up. In seconds!!!
An isolated case? No, 117 banks, U.S. banks are still threatened. It is similar with Germany.
The large Bank-Death runs over us every moment. It destroys millions of lives. How do YOU get through there? I'll tell you:
"Safety is more important than profit," Because only the next banking crisis is fatal for your wealth.
But there lurks something much larger:
2. The derivatives bomb. $ 54 trillion sums up the worlds real assets. But there are $ 683.7 trillion unfunded derivatives (for example) credit insurance. These derivatives are still in their bank balances.
These virtual, unmarketable securities must be paid for REAL.
If Banks cannot pay only 10% of it, we’ll become hit by a crash, such as the world never saw! This can happen in 14 days, in 3 months or ... TOMORROW. That it happens, is a natural law.
All the predictions arrived yet
- The bursting of the technology bubble
- The crash in 2001
- The housing crisis
- The financial crisis of 2007
Now they break ...
... the last days of our financial system
For, in addition to the "new" banking crisis + toxic derivatives, further drift rates are burning:
3. The biggest recession since the 30s
4. The demise of large industrial countries
5. The collapse of social systems
All of this leads inevitably to the
It denied the "up there" of course. O. K., lying is a characteristic of politicians. I am just worried that secretly they prepare for the civil war conditions. Please pay attention!
More details on the following pages. There you will also learn how to invest your assets new targeted. In order to save it from hyper-inflation, state bankruptcy and the Great Depression!
Now the last few days to break in our financial sy
Hyper-inflation eats your money
Check here ...
• Which apparently safe investments, you should immediately take out of your account
• Which investments protect your money
• What evidence will be concealed. Facts about the true state of the financial system
• How Berlin in full awareness, has driven you into the crisis
• What secret plans they work in Berlin, Brussels and Washington. Plans to brutally stifle revolts already in the bud
It's too late! 90% of the investors must begin again at 0.
... Hardly a victim suspects his upcoming financia
Because the conformist stations, newspapers, experts cheer the end of the crisis. And everyone believes them.
The truth is, however, we stuck right in an extermination process. Is not reversible! If you soon pitch the "Handelsblatt", you probably read more often the following headlines: Destroyed! Recently rescued bank still broke down
Destroyed! A global corporation dissolves into the air!
Destroyed! Already the 3rd EU country in this month: State-Bankruptcy!! And as if that's not enough, now we become rolled over by the monstrosity:
The monster comes: Hyper-inflation!
It builds on itself. In fact, are already (yes, already!!!) 3 conditions accomplished, that makes the hyper-inflation befall us. 4 facts that are repeated in all hyper-inflations. It starts with the currency. Halved is the euro value already.
You know it when you buy shoes. You experience that at the bakery and at the box office. And now when you buy an Opel Astra station wagon today, 10 years ago you would have received nearly a BMW 3 Series for your money. Conclusion:
What now costs 50 €, has cost in 2001 only 50 D-Mark. In spite of the official rate of about 1:2 See:
This is "normal" inflation.
It arises automatically by our "paper money". Euro, Dollar, Yen: everything colorful paper sheets but no fixed, real value, such as gold or real estate.
What this has to do with your wealth? Well, unsecured paper money is the nucleus of the coming disaster, which burns your assets ...
Paper money is condition 1 for the hyper-inflation
But governments love paper money! Because it can be increased unlimited. And thus they print more & more of them since decades.
Since 1980 the EU M2 money supply 8-folded.
This amount is still growing fast-paced. In the EU, it has been nearly doubled since 2001. But now they throw in the turbo of the money-printing machine. Just look at these times chart:
This graphic will be next year, 15 cm (10 inch) high. Because the money supply continued to rise inevitably multiply!
Influences this your assets?
Sure. Your money will be worthless inevitably! Because the more there is of something,...
... the cheaper necessarily it is. The more potatoes will be harvested, the cheaper they become. The more computers are dumped on the market, the cheaper they become. With money, this is not differently.
Please assume that the money supply is rising so insanely high, as we cannot even imagine.
This gigantic inflated the money supply is condition 2 for the emergence of hyper-inflation.
Where does this extreme need for cash come from?
It grows by the runaway national debt. Parallel to it with the money supply is growing. Growing government debt to pay with Frischgeld from the printing press. Or by (uncovered) government bond issue.
Already, we’re pressed by our debt-records. Currently exacerbated by the crisis response. U.S. A. in example:
• $ 700 billion rescue package.
• $ 787 billion for the recovery plan.
• 1,200 billion freshly produced dollars that the Fed pumped into the economy.
No antidote
There is no escape from the final crisis,! The governments know that.
How do they plan to end: Internment camps in the U.S.
What makes a man who was defrauded of his money or to the pension to his life's work? He is dangerous! Because he has nothing to lose. And if there are millions of them ... come riots.
In March 2009 it became known: Since 2008, in the U.S. internment camps 800 become prepared..
How much is 11 trillion dollars in debt?
Imagine: you would live forever. And you would be immeasurably rich. And economically.
So you would have saved a million $ a day. Of Christ's birth on. Then you would have saved $ 733 billion today.
Now ... pay off the U.S. debts, you’d have to save much more. Every further day, $ 1 million. And still 28,265 years long!
In addition there are government guarantees worth trillions of $$$
A lot of money, right? But what’s the U.S. total income? Wait, I'll go look at the CIA web pages (they’ll know it know) exactly. And there I read ...
... $ 14.29 trillion. This is the 2008 U.S. gross domestic product. This much value are therefore ALL U.S. products and services in 2008.
But the total debt?
A total of $ 11.68 trillion. This is the official U.S. government debt, as of 4/8/2009. $ 14 trillion taken.
$ 11 trillion debt. What do you think: Can the United States to repay it? Probably not. On the contrary! The need - like all states - more money, new money. Thus, states are caught in a pincer.
A. Increasing spending. For exploding social costs. For rising loan interest rates. For future bailouts that are multiple larger than the current ones.
B. Declining revenues. More and more companies go bankrupt. Therefore, less tax revenue. Consumption is also to collapse dramatically. With it, the sales tax revenue. In short:
in this moment we race into a debacle
such as the world ever saw!
Print money? Why do not raise more taxes?
1. Printing money is simply more convenient than collecting taxes. Plus ...
2. For tax increases has been barely air since years. Already, well-educated high earners leave Germany in flight. Each year as many as the total population of Würzburg!
3. Higher taxes NOW would currently break (we have recession!) the economy’s neck. In addition, tax-raiser do not become re-elected.
So long, high five! Already, we have the highest debt-orgy in history of mankind.
E.g. Germany: 1.681.558.676.44. Status Aug. 27th 2009. Growing budget gaps are generally stuffed with growing debts. But sometimes ...
... even fresh money from the "top" is running out! No problem:
Federal money is not enough? Then ...
... produce itself. Since about 1 year California is been struggling with the state bankruptcy. Long-range the Fed’s financial injections don’t suit the needs. Hence first time in history a state now creates artificial money in-house!
California recently, issues bonds. They are covered with NOTHING!
This increases the money supply even more!
The financial system is rotten! Do you know what means an avalanche alike increase of the national debt?
That’s right: It is condition no. 3 for the hyper-inflation! EACH hyper-inflation has had an enormous national debt as part of the cause.
3 conditions are met by now. Once before they destroyed the lives of investors
1923, and 2009th Much similar to another!
Hyper-inflation, 1923: The prelude began at World War I. The cannons, machine guns, grenades, Berlin did not want to pay with hard currency. So, the emperor Wilhelm II did the same thing what today's central bankers do:
His Majesty soaked on the currency. Step by step the stable gold marks became enchanted into worthless, any reproducible Paper Money!
And then we went blow for blow! This is at Wikipedia:
• 1918 the Mark had lost already more than half of their officially value. (Does this sound familiar? Keywords euros ...)
• 1918 with about 150 billion marks, the empire’s debt exceeded the national income of 1919 with an estimated 142 billion marks (soon you get to know a G8 country whose debt-income ratio is still much more catastrophic!)
• (...) Currency, which devalued more and more rapidly caused by the governmental money supply. Thus began the months of hyperinflation. Faster and faster were multiplied by ten the Mark’s depreciation against the U.S. dollar, until finally in November 1923 the rate for 1 U.S. Dollar corresponded to 4.2 trillion marks.
You may say: 1923 is still not comparable to today! At that time, the coffers were empty due to the war. Also at that time there was a tangible economic crisis.
Well, an economic crisis we have as well now. Enhancing at any moment so that we can’t believe it! And:
What you should banish from your portfolio for the
Further shocks to the stock exchanges are imminent. Pay attention especially to your portfolio ...
• Shares. Especially bank shares. Losses aussitzen please do NOT! The Financial History shows: There were already waiting lists of fourth-century
• Equities
• Long-running corporate bonds
Additional tip: Check your life insurance. Especially if they are share based. Because they do not tell you everything ...
So they lie:
Are life insurance supposedly safe because ...
... in the bankruptcy case, the state intervenes rescuing. DON’T rely on it:
• The largest U.S. insurance wrote in an internal document: Insurance companies may go bankrupt. And the resulting problem is so large that the state can no longer absorb it.
• This is not different in Germany. There is allegedly protecting a Backing Company of the insurer. It is called Protector. But it has (according to Radio Germany) only 1.3 billion € in the treasury.
By comparison, German insurance companies currently pay out of € 64 billion annually.
• Japan: There was nothing as sure as the Yamoto life insurance. It was indeed founded 100 years ago. 2008 Yamoto Life went bankrupt ...
We also have a financial problem, which is several times greater than that after World War I,
as you see. A problem that suppress the media anxiously.
And conceal them even more ...
The hushed recession
Recession? It doesn’t even look for it yet: In March 2009 the prices went up again!
When you turn on the TV, you certainly hear about the dangers. Or take a look at the opinion-forming press:
"Hooray, the crisis is over," headlined "Cicero" in July 2009. These slogans are indeed ridiculous, but they do not come by chance. For "from above" the media become deliberately deceived!
A small selection ...
• Accounting rules for banks: soaked! Losses can now be ignored! For this medium SME Entrepreneurs would have to go to jail!
• Stress test for U.S. banks feigns stability. The crisis becomes simply fade out: The test criteria are set that much low that even death candidates among the banks can get through!
• The trick with the gross domestic product: It shall shrink officially by 2% in 2009. In Q1/ 09 it was shrunk already 3-fold higher! Minus 6.3%.
Additionally to these bluffs hard profit reports are still put to the public:
"Citigroup earned nearly 4.3 billion U.S. dollars in the second quarter."
You think this in great, or not...? And yes, that profit was really retracted. But the full truth is:
The City Bank is like a prepared mummy. In vivid with makeup!
Why is this zombie bank falls into dust at any moment, you will see on the following pages.
Why do you cry torpedoed with such jubilation?
You will be lulled. You should think "Wow, the governments do something. The rescue systems works. They have the crisis under control! "
And incidentally, the blame of the crisis is shifted at the bankers. But the gentlemen in Berlin are not much better. They have known about the crisis already in time before. They could have intervened much earlier. Even more:
They brought the crisis to Germany!!
The crisis started in the U.S.. But how she came across the Atlantic? By the right hand of former Finance Minister Steinbrueck, Dr. Joerg Asmussen!. In 2006 he was the supervisor to the control authority BaFin. He switched them off short minded, and ...
... then funneling the ABS (asset-backed securities) through Germany’s former functioning control system. On his instructions there should incurre "no unnecessary testing and documentation obligations "!
Thus they lie:
Nothing knew?
1. The Schroeder government already knew in 2003 from the upcoming crisis.
The Handelsblatt wrote on 2/24/2003 about a meeting at the chancellery. There was discussed over “Bad Banks”. Thus the then emerging credit Garbage should be disposed of. Comment of the Finance Ministry: "No threat to the financial place Germany."
2. Merkel government also knew all!
She wanted to promote " innovative financial products" in Germany: hedge funds, private equity, true sale securitisations. Is even in the coalition treaty p. 86
Asmussen still was the 2009 (up to the election) – but now as secretary of state – and right hand by Peer Steinbrück (Finance Minister).
Conclusion: We have been driven into the crisis by our own government!
In order to distract, the bosses trim the media. These gentlemen need to succeed. Only then they hold on power. If real successes are missing ... do it, if necessary, as well reports on an apparent upswing.
But the following does not fit into the picture:
Suddenly, reality bursts in!
As on July 27th 2009, the DAX was driven to its yearly high, when all again were dancing on a volcano ... this message (Source: Handelsblatt) almost left under:
"Hardest slump in 50 years! Ironically in the second upswing-quarter 2009 the British economy broke in. Compared to the previous year by 5.6%. "
This shows that this “upswing” is no recovery, just an intermediary high. The recession is here, and in future she takes us much more into the pnicer! This economic crisis is condition 4 for the hyper-inflation.
That the summer "boom" is a flash in the pan, you can see here:
In 8 of the last 11 recessions, there was a relaxation phase. And that was so strong that it even came to an economic growth in one quarter!
All 8 stages of recovery had one thing in common: The collapse came after, hit all investors the stronger.
Please NEVER think that now is an opportune entry point for stocks! WE ARE ONLY AT THE BEGINNING OF A MONUMENTAL CRASHS! That means for you:
NOTE: No "all-clear !
Do not pay attention to the cries of jubilation in media. Listen to objective experts. Even the lords of the otherwise highly optimistic the International Monetary Fund (IMF) shivers with fear! They admit:
• The global slowdown has intensified. Growth forecast was revised downwards: Now at its lowest level in 40 years! In addition:
• The managers of small firms see black for their business prospects. So black they didn’t saw since 1980...
• World Trade collapses: a break-down, as he was no longer measured since the 1930s!!
Record unemployment in the U.S.. Never before there has been more Americans who were unemployed for longer than 6 months - we are currently experiencing the highest level since collection of this data.
In addition: 9, 5 million are working part-time only, that’s more part-earners than in a post-war recession
It is equally serious in all countries. All of this cries out for further government intervention. Otherwise, the governments social systems are blowing! And governments already regulate diligently: Already there are ghost companies in Germany that live only on labor agency’s short-time payments. And the economy gets really knocked out in the future! E.g. with a new bankruptcy record:
"In 2010 we suffered 40,000 bankruptcies in German
That fears Jürgen Pfister, chief economist at Bayern LB, at July 27th 2009. He says the middle of the artificial stock market boom.
And there it is again, THE PINCER: A) Increasing expenses. B) Decreasing revenues
And again, more money for economic programs for the social system but less and less tax revenue. How governments do shoulder it? : Guess what: with fresh money! With infinitely many newly printed money.
And once again any new artificial Euro devalues honest values from your assets. That is a basis for the hyper-inflation.
I mean, not quite as extreme conditions as in Zimbabwe. However, your assets are threatened as never before. For as a result of the housing crisis, financial crisis, economic crisis
Happens just that here:
What does hyper-inflation mean at all?
Or provocatively asked:
Do you need in future, a 1-million-Euro bill... to
From our grandparents, we still know how in the 20's the German people ran to the bakery with bundles of bank notes. They sprinted because the monetary value dropped every minute. The record price for a loaf of bread was 430 billion marks! Inflation rose in 1923 in Germany by 29,525%. Per month!
You say today this is not possible? I have to disappoint you ...
231 million % inflation in Zimbabwe
That was the last officially announced rate in the African state in 2008. The Zimbabwe Dollar is now abolished. Reason: The Federal Reserve is not came after with the printing! In 2008 they brought out the 100-trillion note. Useless! Now they pay with Euros, Dollars, Pounds.
The example of Zimbabwe is obviously extreme. But the fact is: According to the Encyclopedia begins hyper-inflation "even" at 50% depreciation per month. 50% inflation is:
After one year a liter of milk will cost 30 €
50% inflation were immediately outbid several times in the last 20 years. Here is a selection:
Max Inflation Country Year / Month
Land | Jahr | Max. Inflation/Monat |
Argentinien | 1989-1990 | 196 % |
Armenien | 1993-1994 | 438 % |
Brasilien | 1989-1993 | 84% |
Serbien | 1992-1994 | 309 Mio. % |
Many economists, however, say that comes no inflation but deflation. So, the morbid and equally harmful cheapening of commodities. However, I ...
Deflation is canceled
Reason: A deflationary depression is conceivable only in a world without money printing machine.
Governments prefer inflation clearly. Because with more and more money supply they can delay more and more money to the collapse, and hide their reckless policies. Fed Chairman Bernanke said in 2002: "Secure that it never comes to deflation," and thus they print and print ...
BUT: until the summer of 2009, we had a clearly inflationary phase! Although hard to discern! The deflationary forces of the bursting of speculative bubbles depressed prices. This process, however, was neutralized until now by the increasing flood of money.
We now stand at a crossroads: The deflationary phase is over, the inflationary phase begins. I mean, the inflation could quickly begin galloping. For this something it’s brewing here:
The monster awakens
Many people will soon have to make it with 10% of what they have earned. The rest is burnt in weeks. Surely, it also hits your neighbor, who is still clueless and friendly greeting you. The fact is irrevocable:
We have all the "ingredients" to a hyper-inflation!
• the economic crisis only starting
• increasing mass impoverishment
• an upcoming, hard banking crisis
• rapidly growing national debts
• a new stock market crisis
• more uncovered (worthless paper-) money
Added to this is a phenomenon that destroys the financial world in a chain reaction. And this within a few days. You learn it right here now. This phenomenon is probably also the reason that a colleague dares a tremendous prophecy:
The United States will soon experience an inflatio
That says a well-known fund manager, who also predicted the recent financial disaster: Marc Faber, he says that now the Federal Reserve should raise interest rates. In order to deduct money from the money circuit. But they will not do, thus will inflation accelerate. The prices will reach a pace that is "close to that in Zimbabwe".
Do not let that bureaucrats and bankers, obliterate what you have worked for.
The industrialized countries stuck knee-deep in po
Here are 3 typical symptoms:
• Highest unemployment since 1945! Never before since World War II, as many Europeans lose their jobs as in 2009 and 2010. Further 9 million more to come (forecast EU Commission)
• German Employment Agency before its collapse. Minus € 10 billion! (As of 30.7.2009)
• U.S. health insurance prior to “KO”! Medicare, the U.S. health "insurance" system is insolvent, at least in 8 years.
Thus, in Medicare chief statistician.
“No financial newspaper has ever warned:" Watch out, this moment the situation is hottest! "As a beginner, you believe, that there is now a different market - and the professionals suck you up.
Exactly the opposite is the case. "
All that fattens the global hyper-inflation. All this eats up your money. The noose draws him selves.
And I'm not finished yet!
Now, German municipalities impoverish
I do not know whether you live in the countryside or city. No matter where you live, your place will change:
Ankle deep potholes in the streets. As formerly in East Germany or Poland. stumble-sidewalks. Filthy, overgrown parks, withered grass fields...
Municipalities cannot pay anymore repairs and maintenance. Many are already closing their equipment yards, libraries and swimming pools. Improve kindergarden fees and property taxes, eliminate benefits for wellfair groups.
No money!
Here, again, it pinches: THE PINCER! Less revenue, because the trade tax melts and higher costs arise. Just the accommodation costs for “Hartz IV” recipients are to rise in 2009 to the never reached value of 14 billion Euros.
Cities, threatens to bankrupt. Wuppertal already has debts of 1.5 billion €. Decline in trade tax is here: 33%! The horror of the municipalities is:
They may not raise the trade tax. To escape the catastrophe, the municipalities need - you guess it - rescue system from Berlin. But this back comes fresh from the printing press! The monster awakes: hyper-inflation. But all the money that governments conjure is not to stop the decline.
Europe stumbles in national bankruptcy
• Hungary escaped the national bankruptcy only through rapid emergency credits from the EU and IMF. Also at the last second, the ruin of Ukraine and Serbia has been averted. Shortly before the national bankruptcy are as well, for example, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Great Britain. All EU countries!
• Iceland: The island country IS already bankrupt. The otherwise reticent Icelanders demonstrated for weeks. Initially burned straw effigies of Prime Minister Haarde. Then they chased him away. Resignation in January 2009.
What I can tell you with all this is:
It's burning in Europe!
More and more people become victims. Crisis losers. You pay the price for the mistakes of politicians. For the greed of the bankers. For the first time as well the middle class is affected.
Governments secretly know: They can only delay mass-unemployment, inflation and system collapse.
But the people defend themselves already. 2008/2009:
Social unrest in Greece, Latvia, Romania, France, Great Britain. They wide off:
British intelligence and the CIA since 2008, calculate likely civil war scenarios in Europe. AND:
They also hold German metropolitan areas for ungovernable!
Mentioned by name in the studies include the Rhine-Main region, parts of Stuttgart, Berlin, Hamburg and Ulm ...
My plea to you: Forward this letter. To those who are close to you. Most people do not know what's going on behind the scenes.
As they plan the end:
EU prepares in secret for domestic unrest
1. In January 2009 a monitoring center for civil unrest in Europe is set
2. Since the spring of 2009, the EU countries had built up large inventories on tears- and throw-up Gas
As they plan the end:
The task force
It's called EUROGENDFOR, consists of 3,000 men and is to turn down revoltes. It is supranational and can be used in any EU country. Why?
In an emergency, it is ahead of the military. Thus one cannot read: Soldiers fire on their own citizens!
The Federal Ministry of Defense says about this analogy: "The tasks of EUROGENDFOR is taken by our military police!"
WHAT TO is brewing ...
Fact is: We are almost drowned by the many uncovered, artificially created money, but this money also stifles the assets of the “not-knowing” and deceived!
The monster Hyper-inflation is preparing. A symptom of the disease is: Help does not work with banks. On the contrary ...
The banks continue to die
Thus the "crisis savior " manipulate the media:
Slogan: It goes back up! In July 2009, they constantly show on state television, the radiant "Bank-Chiefs". Bankers, who re-generate billion-profits. But that is only half the truth.
The following will they prefer to cover up:
• 7 U.S. banks smashed in a single weekend (July 24 to 26, 2009). Including 6 subsidiary companies of Security Bank (funny it’s named “security”!) with customer deposits of $ 2.4 billion
• 19 U.S. banks destroyed in the entire July 2009
• 64 U.S. banks erased. In just the first 7 months of 2009. Throughout the year 2008, it took "only" 25 banks
A government official now, of course, would immediately object: These were small, insignificant banks. We save only the "system relevant" institutions. And already we are at the greatest bluff of the bosses:
So they lie:
"Big banks cannot bankrupt!"
Of course, the figures in the Chancellery and the White House selling themselves again as Heros. "We save the banks with sufficient aid packages," they lie into the cameras.
OK, then I say: I stop the next avalanche in the Swiss Alps with a ... Snow shovel! "
The noose draws to himself:
You shall learn nothing!
1. Delete command:
The UK's "Telegraph" called on its website the true amount of bad bank paper. Source: An EU paper. These figures once again had to be deleted.
2. Journalists pursued.
"Süddeutsche" + "BILD" published in April / May 2009 a paper of financial supervision. It proves that banks have been hit much more than admitted from Berlin. Result: Indictment for treason!
3. German Internet control
as in China and Iran. Under the pretext of the fight against crime websites can be taken from the net on suspicion. Even journalistic websites ...
Nonsense, you say ...? Because you are right of course. Equally absurd is the talk of the government. Well, I think to the benefit of Obama, Merkel, Sarkozy, that they calm the masses with such nonsense. But the fact is:
Big banks cannot just go bankrupt. Banks even MUST
And something is happening, what there NEVER was on this planet yet:
Our financial system burns
The chain reaction you can figure out yourself.
The collapse starts from the banks. In summer 2009 they’ve been still cheered:
"In the second quarter, Citigroup earned nearly 4.3 billion U.S. dollars." Wow!
But let's have a look at the books of Citigroup.
• There are fixed assets of $ 481.4 billion. So far so good. BUT: These real values are contrasted with the of "possession" of a bomb:
• DERIVATIVES! Artificial, from bankers created money. E.g. unsalable loan insurances.
These derivatives are therefore highly dangerous:
This virtual money MUST be paid for REAL! And now guess how much derivatives Citibank has in the basement. There are $ 7,873.9 billions! The 16-times of their real wealth!! That means:
If only 6% of these derivatives have to be served - AND SO IT COMES! - Citibank explodes.
Because the real assets of the bank represents only about 6% of their derivatives! Hence Citibank is systemic ...? Of course! It is the third largest institute of America!
What happens if Citibank breaks down? The state jumps in. Even if suddenly $ 7,873.9 billions are due. So nearly 8 BILLION Dollars.
As the State concerned the money, we both know: PRINT, PRINT, PRINT.
Again, the hyper-inflation is being fueled.
Please don’Tthink a moment that this fact doesn’t concern YOU: The financial markets are so interconnected that the firestorm of hyper-inflation rages all over the world. The burn Y-O-U-R assets! The noose tightens ...
By the way: Even German bankers stick to their nostrils in the derivatives swamp! The investment assets of Deutsche Bank in the U.S. is $ 40.4 billion and the "value" of their derivatives, and $ 49.6 billion. Fact is:
Even in Europe, in Germany toxic derivatives, chok
Well, now you also know why the honoric bankers hardly give out loans to entrepreneurs. Despite all the aid packages, despite historically low interest rates.
Because they know best that they are at the end. And they know that they now have to pre-pay REAL money. Money, which delays their own death!!
All that the rulers know as well! But they complain of hypocrisy on TV:
"The evil bankers are sitting on their money!" The bosses know why they feign. Finally, they prepare themselves on the end of the financial system!
Is amazing too: Apparently banks have a perverse commonality ...
The bigger the bank, the dirtier the balance sheet
• Example United States. The second-largest U.S. bank, Bank of America. Assets $ 576 billion. Derivatives: $ 11,480 billion, almost the 20-fold of its assets! This bank is going to explode!
• The largest U.S. bank is J. P. Morgan. Here it is even more dangerous: Fixed assets $ 605.1 billion derivatives $ 26,493.9 billion, this is the 43-fold. If only about 2.3% of these derivatives become due, the real assets of JP Morgan ... gone.
Uh, yes ... The 3 candidates for death, JP Morgan, Bank of America, Citibank are not only the largest U.S. banks. They are also the 3 largest banks in the world! And are nearing the end!
The U.S. government - "Change" or not - cannot stop the collapse. And when comes the infarct, they print cargo trains full of dollars, you can depend on it!
And your assets? It is in the sequence (with luck!) will be worth probably only a quarter of today's value.
But now it is even harder:
• 408 U.S. banks have investment assets of $ 5.4 trillion. And the value of its derivatives? Nearly 10 times as much: $ 53 trillion. This can not go well!
• 99% of this $ 53 bill. are concentrated in only 25 banks.
• About half of that ($ 26.49 bill.) is in possession of only ... a single bank: J. P. Morgan!
See what's on the world to play ??????
The fact is that Governments have already run out of money to offset the chaos. They must continue to print, whether they like it or not!
It looks like the meteorite, who's impact in time swept ALL dinosaurs from the planet! Also this financial system becomes swept away!
Prior to the final collapse, governments are flooding the world with an ocean of money. Then we have 1923 ... Then all you built up in your life is gone.
No rescue possible?
At least not from them. Even the acclaimed Bad Banks are just a bluff. Why? Because they have two hooks.
• Banks do not want them. Because fees incurre for every toxic paper outsourced into a bad bank...!
• States shall guarantee for them. For each outsourced “toxic” investment the government pays the bank with state bonds. Thus, the bank has - in theory - not to back the rotten paper with “healthy” equities.
The problem is:
States are increasingly less credible as a guarant
Just because they print more money like crazy. Just because they go into debt like crazy.
Consider this madness:
The G8 country, Japan has already 170% debt. 70% more debt than they earn. Thus, the debt-to-revenue ratio is more disordered than that of the German Empire before the hyper-inflation 1923! That does not bother Japan: Nippon cheerfully adopt an economic program in the amount of 205 billion U.S. dollars! All as loan!
Do not let politicians, bureaucrats and bankers, wipe out what you are built up in your lifetime. IT IS SERIOUS!
The United States still act more dangerous. They wallow in debts, have amassed the largest debt in history. Officially, it's legendary $ 11.68 trillion on August 4th 2009. This means that ANY U.S.-Citizen - from infancy to old age - is in debt with $ 38,095.
And now it happens: All the artificial money, all the debts are no longer effective! And the "rescue operations have" fatal consequences.
The medicine becomes poison
Even through the recent purchase of toxic loans (eg U.S. $ 2 trillion), the states suddenly have an unexpected problem. THE STATES ARE EVEN "TOXIC" THEMSELF! Result: The governments will not get rid of their bonds!
The auction for 5-year U.S. government bonds in the spring of 2009 was a flop
For the first time since 1995, for British government bonds were not found enough buyers
The price of default insurance from U.S. government bonds has fanned 14-fold!
That means nothing other than:
The system falls already!
The noose draws to himself:
U.S. national bankruptcy
You shall learn nothing!
Fund manager Marc Faber says: The U.S. bankruptcy comes to 100% within 10 years. This date is also confirmed by Prof. Max Otte ...
I fear, the U.S. bankruptcy occurs sooner. Because more crises threatening us: the crisis of the commercial real estates, the crisis of consumer credits ...
All this is covered with ... “toxic”-derivatives! If only 10% of them have to be paid in real terms, our financial system burns up within days!
On June 3rd 2009 the EU country of Latvia offered to an auction government bonds. Do you know how many investors bought?
NOT A SINGLE ONE. That means:
NOBODY believes Latvia to pay back. The country is therefore bankrupt. Despite all the help.
All EU countries in Eastern Europe are not much better. In Addition comes Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy and Ireland. These countries are to rise the EU into a catastrophe.
Germany, France, Austria bleed already strong. The only country in the EU that is reasonably intact ... Luxembourg.
And the U.S.?
Here, the poison of debts and money printing orgy affects already tragic: The Fed, the Finance Ministry, the Congress have so far pledged $ 14 trillion, issued, granted, guaranteed. To combat the crisis! And they print. Thus, the rescue is worse than the disease! Why?
$ 12.9 Billion loss suffered U.S. private households alone. Real-Estates, stocks, funds ... all gone. It goes on like that. Increasingly. That means:
For every "rescue dollar" disappears a real dollar. Trend: This process not only grows: It skips in the near future!
And globally. Because much, much, much more needs to be "saved". Take a look at this chart:
Have you seen? There are toxic values of € 684 trillion U.S. dollars, which must be disposed of. With vast amounts of real money.
This process destroys the system necessarily
This leads to national bankruptcy rows: Even in Britain, France, Germany, Austria. Even in the U.S.. BUT:
The states will resist. Until the very end. They will continue indefinitely to produce more worthless money. And feed it to the monster. And can become larger: the hyper-inflation.
Listen ...
Do not be fooled by the mainstream media. Not only is your money at risk. There's more!
For the first time, even bosses warn against unres
SPD-presidential candidate, Gesine Schwan, DGB-Chef Sommer, Deutsche Bank Boss Ackermann. And even a government: Jean-Claude Juncker. All independently warned of social unrests in the spring of 2009.
But the rulers conceal something:
You can see, the bosses in the palaces prepare them already secretly!
A clear Omen of the inevitable:
The end of the financial system is close
Now comes the dark phase, before the multi-national bankruptcy: the hyper-inflation.
By the hyper-inflation is all the things … your parents may have already built up and what you are hard-earned ... destroyed.
SAVE YOUR MONEY. If you do not act now, you lose everything!
The secret list
It exists since 2009 in the Chancellery and is always updated. They are called internally the "Atlas of Anger." Why?
Here are listed the regions, in which the federal government is expecting civil-war states. In the middle of Germany.
The list is growing. An informant was allowed to view the "Atlas of Anger" among German security authorities. 165 regions are currently listed. Eg:
Parts of Munich, Berlin, Nurnberg, Passau, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Heidelberg, Cologne, Leipzig. Even Bad Godesberg, Freilassing, Friedrichshafen, Ratingen ...
Current it is about the salvation of your assets. It is threatened by the hyper-inflation, another recession, national bankruptcy and social unrest.
Invest your money safe from inflation! Commodities, Gold, Precious Metals, Real-Estates.
We advise you gladly: